Hi, I'd like to implement this example:
However, I can't seem to find in which assembly xmlns:custom="clr-namespace:IGDataChart.Custom.Behaviors"is defined, so I can reference it in order for custom:ChartStripBehaviors.ChartInfoStrips to be recognized.
Please let me know which assembly I need to reference, or how to define this behavior class.
Hello Bedo,
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into your question and the InfoStrips behavior is not part of the XamDataChart control. This is a sample implemented for our Samples Browser and the implantation of the ChartInfoStripsBehavior and the InfoStrips can be found in the code of the Samples Browser, which is located in
Also, I have created a sample application for you, that shows how you can use the ChartInfoStripsBehavior outside of the Samples Browser.
Please let me know if you need any further assistance on the matter.
Krasimir, MCPD
Developer Support Supervisor - XAML