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XamComboEditor -- force user to make a selection


I have a XamComboEditor whose ItemSource is bound to a list of KeyValuePairs. The DisplayMemberPath is bound to the value property, and the ValuePath is bound to the key. To give a specific example, there are two items in the list:

key=1  value="Debit"

key=-1 value="Credit"

What I want to do is programmatically set the value of the editor to 0 (i.e. not a valid value), have it display blank, and force the user to make a choice between the two valid selections. However, when I do this, the XamComboEditor displays "0". Am I missing something? Is there a way to get it to display blank in this case and give the user his two choices of Debit and Credit?



  • 35319



    I have been looking into your post and if you use XAML XamComboEditor, you could set the ‘EmptyText’ property in order to prompt the users to select an item.


    I am attaching a sample application( that shows my suggestion.


    Let me know, if you need any further assistance on this matter.
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