1. Setup a xamdatagrid with a DateTime column that is editable
2. Add several more string columns that may or may not be editable
3. Add 2 more DateTime columns that ARE NOT editable
When you view the grid, the first DateTime column has editable values. The other DateTime columns should not be editable, but they may show the editor down arrow that makes then look like they are editable. I have been able to reproduce the issue in the attached project. To me, this seems like a bug in infragistics - maybe the DateTime editor style/settings are not being reset for the DateTime columns that occur after the first editable column? Please advise.
This sounds like a bug in the recycling - that when a CVP is recycled for use with a different field that the AllowDropdown is not being re-coerced/evaluated. For now you could set the CellContainerGenerationMode on the grid to either LazyLoad or PreLoad.
Requesting a review of this problem ...