I have nested parent child data (ex: Organization data base showing Supervisor - supervisee relationship) and want to show that in grid in hierarchy fasion meeting the following requirements:
1. Want to show header information only once (EmpId, EmpName, Dept, Designation, No Of Supervisee)2. Should have an option to enable/disable expand/collapse child nodes3. On Expanding a node, nesting/indentation should happen only on first column. All columns should be aligned property with no spanning. Basically it should like a flat table or grid.4. Should be able to add computed columns using Formula Editor & calculation manager. Ex: Adding a column named Bonus with formula (0.20 * No of Supervisees)5. Should be performanct as we would be working with huge data set.
Please let me know best grid (XamDataGrid, XamGrid or XamDataTree) suitable for this and provide me a sample to achieve this.
Thanks,Mahadev Prasad
You should use the xamTreeGrid control for this: http://help.infragistics.com/doc/WPF/2015.2/CLR4.0/?page=xamTreeGrid.html