I have a xamgrid field, where i set AllowEdit = False in the field settings. This has the desired effect, and users cannot delete/edit the content of the cell. However when the delete key is pressed a dialog box is shown asking "The '<Cell Name>' cell is readonly. Continue with the remaining cells?. I dont want this dialog box to appear. How can i suppress this dialog box?
Attached is an image showing the dialog box when i clicked delete on the cell.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you. This fixed my issue
HI Shahin,
Wire up the XamDataGrid's and check for the ClearCellContents command and cancel it.
Here a code snippet:
private void xgrid1_ExecutingCommand(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.Controls.Events.ExecutingCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.Command.Name == "ClearCellContents")
e.Cancel = true;