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XamNumericEditor ignores InvalidValueBehavior

Hi, I'm using XamNumericEditor in DataTemplate like this

<DataTemplate x:Key="NumericRangedTemplate" DataType="settings:RangedVisualSetting">
<!--Other parts of template-->
    <igEditors:XamNumericEditor SpinWrap="True" Margin="5" VerticalAlignment="Center" InvalidValueBehavior="DisplayErrorMessage"
                                             Width="100" Value="{Binding Value}" DisplayMode="Raw" SpinButtonDisplayMode="Always"
                                             ValueType="{x:Type system:Int32}">
        <system:Char />
            <igEditors:ValueConstraint MinInclusive="{Binding MinValue, Mode=OneTime}" MaxInclusive="{Binding MaxValue, Mode=OneTime}" Nullable="False" />

Both MaxValue and MinValue has type int? but in my particuar case they are not null (e.g. MaxValue == 100)

Although InvalidValueBehavior is set to "DisplayErrorMessage" I don't get it neither when I clear everything from editor (in this case red border appears around it and I can't leave it which is fine for me since ValueConstraint.Nullable is set to false. But I CAN input any value which exceeds maximum and upon leaving editor it just gets back to maximum. For some reason I see this behavior for any value of InvalidValueBehavior. How can I make it stay in edit mode and don't correct value? Library version 12.1.20121.2059.

P.S. How can I decorate code and markup properly like it is displayed in Visual Studio i.e. with different colors etc?