Please excuse if I'm missing some basic concepts here. I'm attempting to something along the lines of this code snippet, which I found on another forum post:
HierarchyDescriptor<ProductData> dateTimeTodayDescriptor = new HierarchyDescriptor<ProductData>(pd => pd.Today);
dateTimeTodayDescriptor.AddLevel(pd => "Today", "All Dates");
dateTimeTodayDescriptor.AddLevel(pd => pd.Today.SemesterWithYear(), "Semesters");
dateTimeTodayDescriptor.AddLevel(pd => pd.Today.MonthShort(), "Months");
However, instead of a known class (in the example, "ProductData"), the ItemSource for my XamPivotGrid consists of a list of dynamic objects created using Infragistics.Olap.DynamicTypeBuilder. I have the property names of the object available in string variables. Any suggestions on how I might modify this example to handle my situation?
I've also tried a completely different approach such as:
// Create a HierarchyDescriptor for a property whose name is stored in col.ColumnName (I'd like it displayed using the string in col.Caption)...
var hier = new HierarchyDescriptor { SourcePropertyName = col.ColumnName, HierarchyName = col.Caption, HierarchyDisplayName = col.Caption, };// Then add a hierarchy level for the property...
HierarchyLevelDescriptor yLevel = new HierarchyLevelDescriptor
LevelName = "Years",
LevelExpressionPath = col.ColumnName
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<DateTime, int>> eY = date => date.Year;
yLevel.LevelExpression = eY;
But this doesn't work at all (note that the "System.Linq.Expressions....." line is a total guess, since the LevelExpression property has no useful documentation whatsoever -- please take note that "gets or sets the LevelExpressions property" as the entire explanation doesn't tell us much).
Hopefully I've communicated what I'm trying to do here. Any suggestions of a way to get it done would be greatly appreciated!
And as a side note, what does the HierarchyDisplayName property actually do? It seems to have no effect -- the top of each Hierarchy shows in the XamPivotDataSelector as the ugly raw property name, not the nicer looking "caption" I'm trying to set it to. Can't find a way around that one either...
This behavior is caused because LevelExpressionPath currently does not support method calls. I'm not sure if it will work but you can try to expose a property of some complex type with single property which returns the method call value:
public class QuarterShort
private DateTime _dateValue;
public QuarterShort(DateTime dateValue)
this._dateValue = dateValue;
public string Value
get { return this._dateValue.QuarterShort(); }
Now with dynamic type builder define property of type QuarterShort and name col.ColumnName + "QuarterShort" and then your expression should be: col.ColumnName + "QuarterShort.Value"
Best regards,Plamen
Well, I have found one way that starts to work:
HierarchyLevelDescriptor yLevel = new HierarchyLevelDescriptor { LevelName = "Years", LevelExpressionPath = col.ColumnName + ".Year" }; hier.LevelDescriptors.Add(yLevel);But when I try to build the next level using a similar technique it fails (I can't drill in from Years to Quarters):
HierarchyLevelDescriptor qLevel = new HierarchyLevelDescriptor { LevelName = "Quarters", LevelExpressionPath = col.ColumnName + ".QuarterShort()" }; hier.LevelDescriptors.Add(qLevel);
I can't say I love having to build the LevelExpressionPath this way, writing code in a string literal, andit doesn't seem to work completely anyway (Why?). I'd think that using LevelExpression would be better, but again there's no documentation on how to use it.Help! :-)