The CurrentChanged event is not firing when the XamDataPresenter (or XamDataGrid) is bound to a ListCollectionView and the user clicks through the items in the grid. In the attached sample project I have setup a XamDataPresenter and a ListBox exactly the same way. You can see that the ListBox causes the CurrentChanged event to fire when the user clicks the items of the list, but the XamDataPresenter does not.
Is there a way to get this functionality?
John Myczek
Actually ... what I really need is full support for the IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem property. This is not available on the current XamDataGrid (future release?), but there is a workaround that can be found here:
That worked for me. It is some extra code, but it is fairly isolated and will be easy to remove when the IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem support is part of the control.