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XamRibbon content not changing on tab selection

I am using the xamRibbon in a wpf application version 2013.1. I dynamically great my tabs and show the relevant menu items on each tab when selected this works as expected. The problem I have is when the tab is selected the content does not change accordingly. I need to know if my assumption is correct that this is where this needs to go. see example below:

            <igRibbon:XamRibbon x:Name="xamRibbon" Theme="Metro" ApplicationMenuMode="Office2010"  prism:RegionManager.RegionName="RibbonTabRegion">
                    <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static igRibbon:RibbonBrushKeys.RibbonTabControlHeaderPanelBackgroundKey}"
                    <igRibbon:ApplicationMenu2010 />
                    <igRibbon:QuickAccessToolbar Visibility="Hidden" />

            <DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
                <ContentControl Margin="1,3,3,3"  prism:RegionManager.RegionName="ContentRegion"/>