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XamDataGrid - Regular expression setting


I have a XamDataGrid. Here is my Field Layout setting code.

<Style TargetType="igEditors:XamTextEditor" x:Key="paramNameStyle">
<Setter Property="ValueConstraint">
<igEditors:ValueConstraint MaxLength="50"/>


                                <igDP:Field Name="Parameter_Name">
                                       <igDP:FieldSettings AllowEdit="True" EditorStyle="{StaticResource paramNameStyle}" />

                                <igDP:Field Name="Data_Type">
                                        <igDP:FieldSettings  />
                                <igDP:Field Name="Data_Double">
                                        <igDP:FieldSettings AllowEdit="True" />


For the column "PARAMETER_NAME" I want to set regular expression so that it  accepts  everything apart from these values "><&;|%\n". I want to restrict these characters.

For the column "Data_Type I want to set regular expression so that it acceps only numbers and '-'  (regex [0-9-]  )

 For the column "Data_Double" I want to set regular expression so that it acceps only numbers and '-' and '.' (regex [0-9.-] )

How can I set this condition in my xaml for these  columns ?


