two questions about MultiColumComboColumn in xamGrid:
Hello Stephan,
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it. After some research I have made for you, I can suggest to use the xamMultiColumnComboEditor as EditorTemaplate for the xamGrid. The editor has a property SelectedItemsResetButtonVisibility, which can be set to false and the mentioned button would not be visible. The XamMultiColumnComboEditor exposes a DropDownOpend event, which can be used for setting Width for the dropdown itself. Here is an example on how the width property can be set in the DropDownOpened event:
Grid grid = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(
sender as Infragistics.Controls.Editors.XamMultiColumnComboEditor, 0) as Grid;
Popup popup = ((grid.Children[0] as Border).Child as Grid).Children[0] as Popup;
((popup.Child as Grid).Children[0] as Border).Width = 500;
Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any further question on the matter.
The above code perfectly works for XamMultiColumnComboEditor!
But I need the same for xamMulticolumnCombo for XamGrid!
Can u send me the code for resizing dropdown of a multi column combo in the XamGrid?
Hello Govinda,
I am sorry for the late replay. As you can see from my first post in this threat this code is for xamMultiColumnComboEditor in the xamGrid control. You can use the same code snipped as the above mentioned one.
Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any further question on this matter.