Hi All,
I am using MVVM, and display records in xamGrid. I applied groping on one column and display average values of all the columns, for this i use SummaryRowSettings. it is working fine but i want customization in display of records
1- Remove “Average” text from within cells and put in first Company Name column.
2- Add checkbox at top of table to "show average" or not.
3- Add dropdown at top of table to "show Formating" of AverageSummaryOperand percentage or integer, in sample application i used three static columns (RSquared , IndicatorPercentile ,OverUnderValuation) and other all columns are auto generated. All columns have FormatString is %. But i want customizable.
I create a sample application for this and add an image for reference i used same display records that shown in attached image in code, with the name of Portfolio.
Hi Stefan,
Thank you for your reply,I have some more problems, when i applied groping on industry column and checked "My Average Menu Text" from "NumQtrsLead" column than application through "NullReferenceException" and application crashed, and custom average not calculated, after applying grouping than same error is occured on sort any column, before grouping sorting working fine, and i want to apply this custom average calculation from "R.Squard" to onward columns. Auto generated column names are not fixed they changed based on data and condition that i have in my real application. I was applied style on SummaryRowSettings than equal sign (=) is shown to all columns i want to remove that equal sign, and when i change value from dropdown than i want to applied these changes on all grid columns including average summary results. Currently % and non % applied only on average summary results. I changed the sample application. kindly look into it. I shall be very thankful to you for this favor.
Hello Sufyan,
I have been looking into the screenshot you have attached and I modified your sample, so now it has the functionality you want. Basically I followed the steps from the link I provided you to create custom summaries. I also added checkbox and combobox per your requirements.
Hope this helps you.
I already seen this link but not progress. kindly modify my sample application according to this approach and solve my points that i mentioned. I shall be very thankful to you for this favor.
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I can suggest you create custom summary. Here you can see how to do so:
In the steps a ServiceRefference is used, but you can change it with any collection you have.
I have some null values in database and in grid these values are empty. When average is calculated i don't include these empty values in average calculations.Suppose i have 4 rows in one group and this group contains only one row value. Currently system calculated average like this, Sum of values of all the rows and divided by no of all rows. But i want sum of only those rows that contains values and divided by no of rows that contains values, not all rows, and do not show 0.00% if all rows are empty. I have attached image in previous sample application for further clarification.