Connecting the XamPivotGrid/XamPivotDataSelector to an ssas server in tab mode, i can see my Measures/Hierarchies, but no Levels beneath the Hierarchies.
Connecting to the same server with Excel works like a charm. Doesn't the xamPivotGrid support Tabularmode?
Daniel Clausen
Hi Rob,
Sorry for the delay!
I Connect to the DataBase via an AdomdDataSource, the code for connecting is as follows:
var result = new AdomdDataSource();
try{var settings = new AdomdConnectionSettings{ConnectionString =string.Format(@"Provider=MSOLAP.3; Data Source={0}; user id ={2}; password={3}; catalog={1};",server, database, usr, pwd)};
result.ConnectionSettings = settings;result.Database = XmlaDataSource.GenerateInitialDatabase(database);result.Cube = DataSourceBase.GenerateInitialCube(cube);result.Initialized += DataSourceInitialized;result.RefreshGrid();}catch (Exception ex){//something}
return result;
<igPivot:XamPivotGrid Grid.Column="0" x:Name="pivotGrid" DataSource="{Binding DataSource}" EnableAdvancedFiltering="{Binding EnableAdvancedFiltering}" AllowCompactLayout="True" /> <GridSplitter Grid.Column="1" IsEnabled="True" /> <igPivot:Expander Grid.Column="2" IsExpanded="False" x:Name="Expander"> <igPivot:XamPivotDataSelector x:Name="dataSelector" MaxWidth="250" DataSource="{Binding DataSource}"/> </igPivot:Expander>
As You can see, the XamPivotGrid as well as the XamPivotDataSelector are connected to the DataSource (Property of type DataSourceBase) that my ViewModel exposes. When Connecting to a cube, either a XMLADataSource or AdoMDDataSource is created which works well when connecting to the server directly or via XMLA, but not in Tab mode.
Here is a screenshot of how the XamPivotDataSelector looks when connected to a Cube in Tabular Mode:
Hi Daniel,
Do you still need assistance on this matter?
Sorry for the delay. I ran into issues getting the database setup with AdventureWorks. I finally got it to a point where I could test this and when I checked the hierarchies in the XamPivotDataSelector I was able to see the levels below them. How are you connecting to your database? What is the connection string you are using? Can you send me the XAML/Code?
It's taking me a bit longer than expected to get an instance of Analysis Services in Tabular Mode setup. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still looking into this for you.
I'm looking into this for you. Currently I'm putting together a sample with an SSAS server in tabular mode. I'll update you again when my sample is ready.