I have two columns in my data source that is editable and is a boolean value. My data object implement INotifyPropertyChanged. Two questions:
1. When I initially run the app, all checkboxes are kinda grayed out, in some intermediate state, even though my data objects certain have values fro those boolean properties. How can I make sure they properly load?
2. The value of one bool depends on the other. The two properties cannot be true, but any other combination is possible. To this end, my data object has logic so if: valA is set to true, if valB is true, property valB is set to false and vice-versa. The issue is that the actual setter is not called by the Check Editor until the checkbox is unfocused. What's my best way to go around this? Should I attach custom event handlers to valuechanged? Should I create an unbound column and create a control template that displays my own custom checkbox with custom handlers?
I implemented the xamdatagrid with checkboxes (placed in Cellvalue presenter) I added checked unchecked events for the check box. But i am facing one problem . On scroll of the xamdatagrid scroll bar level. I am seeing some of the check boxes are checked and unchecked. My application is behaving differntly. Can you please give some inputs on this.
I implemented the sample like this
<Window x:Class="Scrollbarissue_OnlyCheckBox.Window2"
Title="Window2" Height="300" Width="300">
<igDP:XamDataGrid Name="myGrid" Height="250">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:CellValuePresenter}" x:Key="BoolFieldOverride">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type igDP:CellValuePresenter}">
<CheckBox HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"
IsChecked="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Path=Content}"/>
<igDP:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields="False" />
<igDP:Field Name="Id" Label="GUID" >
<igDP:FieldSettings CellMinWidth="250" CellWidth="250" />
<igDP:Field Name="Rollback" Label="Option Rollback" >
CellValuePresenterStyle="{StaticResource BoolFieldOverride}"/>
<igDP:Field Name="Accept" Label="Option Accept" >
<igDP:FieldSettings CellMinWidth="50" CellWidth="50"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for Window2.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class Window2 : Window
DataObject dataObj;
dataObj.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
dataObj = new DataObject();
dataObj.Rollback = false;
myGrid.DataSource = l;
public class DataObject
public bool Accept { get; set; }
In this sample i ddint added the events for check boxes. On scroll of the xamdatagrid scroll bar my check box checked and unched events are firing .
Works great now, thank you
Glad to know this works!
After spending time with this, it appears bool fields using xamCheckEditors only send change notifications after the checkEditor loses focus. Since there appears to be no way to override this behavior, I would consider this a defect. If you would send a report in, that would be great!
Online Form: http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Protected/SubmitSupportIssue.aspx
In the meanwhile, I was able to get your original code (the simpler version without any of the INotificationChanged code) to work. I am posting the code to show how I use FieldSettings to specify the layout of the fields including using a regular checkbox for the two bool fields.
Here is your original code-behind, untouched:
public Window1(){ InitializeComponent(); IList<DataObject> l = new List<DataObject>(); DataObject dataObj; dataObj = new DataObject(); dataObj.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); dataObj.Rollback = true; dataObj.Accept = false; l.Add(dataObj); dataObj = new DataObject(); dataObj.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); dataObj.Rollback = true; dataObj.Accept = true; l.Add(dataObj); dataObj = new DataObject(); dataObj.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); dataObj.Rollback = false; dataObj.Accept = false; l.Add(dataObj); myGrid.DataSource = l;}
<Window x:Class="WindowsApplication2.Window1"xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentationxmlns:x=http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xamlxmlns:igDP=http://infragistics.com/DataPresenter xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib"Title="WindowsApplication2">
<Grid> <igDP:XamDataGrid Name="myGrid">
<igDP:XamDataGrid.Resources> <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:CellValuePresenter}" x:Key="BoolFieldOverride"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type igDP:CellValuePresenter}"> <CheckBox HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" IsChecked="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Path=Content}"/> </ControlTemplate> </Setter.Value> </Setter> </Style> </igDP:XamDataGrid.Resources>
<igDP:XamDataGrid.FieldLayoutSettings> <igDP:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields="False" /> </igDP:XamDataGrid.FieldLayoutSettings> <igDP:XamDataGrid.FieldLayouts> <igDP:FieldLayout> <igDP:FieldLayout.Fields>
<igDP:Field Name="Id" Label="GUID" > <igDP:Field.Settings> <igDP:FieldSettings CellMinWidth="250" CellWidth="250" /> </igDP:Field.Settings> </igDP:Field>
<igDP:Field Name="Rollback" Label="Option Rollback" > <igDP:Field.Settings> <igDP:FieldSettings CellMinWidth="50" CellWidth="50" CellValuePresenterStyle="{StaticResource BoolFieldOverride}"/> </igDP:Field.Settings> </igDP:Field>
<igDP:Field Name="Accept" Label="Option Accept" > <igDP:Field.Settings> <igDP:FieldSettings CellMinWidth="50" CellWidth="50" CellValuePresenterStyle="{StaticResource BoolFieldOverride}"/> </igDP:Field.Settings> </igDP:Field>
</igDP:FieldLayout.Fields> </igDP:FieldLayout> </igDP:XamDataGrid.FieldLayouts> </igDP:XamDataGrid></Grid></Window>
This works with your code-behind. Please let me know if I can help further.
I'm having same issues with bool type values I add to XamDataGrid. Here's the simple project I made with same thing.
Any updates on this topic ?