Hi All,
Do we have alternate of Winforms Ultragrid in WPF which allows to put XamDataGrid in TreeViewNodes.
Currenlty I am working by modifying TreeNode template of TreeView and put XamDataGrid in it, but this is very slow as compaired to winforms UltraGrid.
For my application we have almost more then 15-20 different Grids to show in TreeView.
I didn't found any such control in 10.3 license version of infragistics. and I am not sure of your later releases.
Please let me know if we have any better solution with us.
Hello Anant,
In each parent and child record contains a RecordSelector and can be re-templated. The default style can be found in DataPresenterGeneric_Express.xaml, e.g.: C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2011.2\WPF\DefaultStyles\DataPresenter\DataPresenterGeneric_Express.xaml.
Let me know if I can provide any further assistance.
I wrote in my first post, I m using XamDataTree to show XamDataGrid in Nodes is very slow..
I know its possibly can be done in XamDataTree, but my question is , "how can I show the lines for showing realtionship XAMDATAGRID."? Any way thorugh Template editing or styling. etc...
To show lines indicating the parent and child relationship can be done in the xamDataTree by setting the NodeLineVisibility property to Visible.
Sorry Duane,
I think my question is unclear, What I want is to show is, the Paraent Chaild relation in XamDataGrid by dotteed line or simple lines, like its shown in treeview by default.
In the xamDataGrid use and style the ExpandableFieldRecordPresenter. This can be done by setting ExpandableFieldRecordHeaderDisplayMode to AlwaysDisplayHeader and UseNestedPanels to true.