HiI want to group the xamgrid by 2 columns, but only one Groupheader should be displayed for both groupcolumns.In your help and samples I found examples with multiple group columns, that always display one header for each groupcolumn.e.g.:<ig:XamGrid.Columns ><ig:TextColumn IsGroupBy="True" Key="Reihenfolge">....<ig:TextColumn IsGroupBy="True" Key="Nr">....Is there a way to group by multiple Keys or to hide one groupheader?(e.g. in SQLReports I can choose "group by [column1], then group by [column2]"Thanks voks
Hi voks,
Are you referring to the GroupByArea above the grid where the column names appear to let you know which columns are grouped? Or are you referring to the headers in the grid that take up an entire row and need to be expanded in order to see the records that are grouped under it?