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Using a floating tooltip to display the y axis value of all series across multiple synchronized xamdatacharts

I am using similar code to what is used in the following post to generate a list containing the y value of each series in a chart based on the mouse pointer x position and display that in a popup that follows the mouse.

I now have multiple synced xamdatacharts and as the mouse moves from one chart to the next a popup does appear and only contains the data from within the current chart. I have been asked to display a separate popups in all sync'ed charts no matter which chart the mouse is in. Since they are synced, once I get the datetime position of the mouse from the chart I am currently occupying it is the same across all the charts. However, I trigger this process in the chart's mousemove event. Is there a way using the sync manager to trigger this to occur in all the synced charts? Is there a better way to make this occur? I can come up with some way to have the "active" chart update a property with the current mouse position time and have all charts look at this property and if it is not null then use that time to find all child series' y value at that time and then display them. However, before I go down that path I wanted to see if there is a better way.

  • 30945
    Offline posted

    Hello Mike,


    Thank you for your email. I have been looking into the functionality that you are trying to achieve and I am not completely sure what is the exact implementation of the crosshair tooltip that you are having. Would you please, provide me with your implementation the custom tooltip, based on the thread that you have referred and if possible, provide me with a sample application, that shows the custom crosshair tooltip that you are using.


    Looking forward to hearing from you.




    Developer Support Engineer


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