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Slider mouse events

I have a highly stylized XamNumericRangeSlider that includes a zoom and pan component.  The final part of this is to get the cursor to show the pan state correctly, which I have done on other controls with simply hooking up to some mouse events and swapping out the cursor based on the state - basically, when the mouse is down it shows the pan icon, but when the mouse is up it shows the hand.  However, with the slider control I'm not getting the mouse up event for the left mouse button.  It works for the right button, but not the left, and I've tried both the generic MouseUp event and the MouseLeftButtonUp one.  MouseDown also works as expected, so it's a bit perplexing why the up events wouldn't.  Is there something specific I'm doing wrong, or some other way to get the mouse events?

Note that I'm currently using Infragistics ver 11.1.

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