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DockManager SetRelativeSize with DocumentContentHost

I am trying to find a way to have a relative size set between a DocumentContentHost and a SplitPane.

I have a DockManager that is using the DocumentContentHost as a 'Top Pane' which has multiple documents that are ScrollViewer controls with a WPF Grid control nested within. My 'Bottom Pane' is a Split Pane that contains a TabGroupPane with Content Panes nested with it. 

I have added the following code to the 'Bottom Pane' where sp is the split pane holding the TabGroupPane and childPercent is a integer between 0 and 100. This results in the 'Bottom Pane' being just large enough to show it's content (wrapping).

SplitPane.SetRelativeSize(sp, New Size(100, childPercent))

I them added the following code to the 'Top Pane' where Xdm is the DockManager and parentPercent is the different between 100 and the childPercentage. This also fails. 

For Each pne In Xdm.Panes
SplitPane.SetRelativeSize(pne, New Size(100, parentPercent))

Is there anything that could get this to work? Here is a running example: IMAGE

Thank you.