Hello cravika,
I am just checking if you require any further assistance on the matter.
Hi cravika,
If you would like to add a Checkbox to make all Fields visible or not, you can look through the following forum thread :
Stefan has provided a solution on how this can be achieved.
Actually i am implementing applicaiton in MVVM Pattern .. My Requiremet actually is .. In the filed chooser i need to have one more option of select all or check all
when we select it all the columns should be selected or when we uncheck it all the columns should be not selected .please suggest
I have been looking into your requirement and I can suggest you handle the ‘FieldChooserOpening’ event of the XamDataGrid and set the FieldChooser’s “FieldGroupSelectorVisibility” property to Visible in order to enable "Select All" functionality like e.g. :
private void XamDataGrid1_FieldChooserOpening(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.FieldChooserOpeningEventArgs e)
FieldChooser fieldChooser = e.FieldChooser;
fieldChooser.FieldGroupSelectorVisibility = Visibility.Visible;