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XamDataTree :: Icons in TreeViewItem

Hi Team,

I need to show Icons in  the Tree View Item. My Requirement is as below.

I have a class Materials

public class Materials


     Public Int MaterialID{get;set;}

     public string MaterialName{get;set:}

    public observablecollection<Materials> submaterials {get;set;}


I have 5 Different Material ID's  Based on the Material ID I need to display an ICON next to MaterialName, to identify the material based on the   Icon.

In My XAML i did some thing like below which is static 


<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="..\Images\folder_star.png"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Data.MaterialName}" FontWeight="Bold" />


I need to change the Source based on the Material ID. 

Do you have any Examples of this Kind. 

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