We are trying to display data from objects which inherit from ObservableCollection., Our objects have values in some of their cells which are other observable collection type objects. When we bind to the XamDataGrid the top object is displayed correctly but, we can not drill to the child objects.
Is there a property that needs to be set?
Are we inheriting from the right place?
try like this
class test{
Item c1 = new Item("item1");
return _list;
another thing is....with properties...you dont have to write set, get....
simply use public string ofield{get;set;}
its cool feature
There is to much code to post here, but here is a brief example ---
public sealed class [NameOfClass]: ObservableCollection<NameOfClass>,ISerializable, IDisposable{private string _NonHField;public string NonHField{get { return this._NonHField; }set { value = this._NonHField; }}private HField _HField; public string HField{get { return this._HField; }set { value = this._HField; }}}
public sealed class [HField ]:ObservableCollection<HField >,ISerializable, IDisposable{private string _OtherField;public string OtherField{get { return this._OtherField; }set { value = this._OtherField; }}}
How are declaring the Child data?
could you post your data collection code?