Hello, i have a very simple xamDataChart. (See attachment)
I have added a button to this xaml. When i press the button i need to add 2 lineSeries.
If i only add 1 lineSeries it works. But when i add 2 lineSeries i dont see any data.
Can anyone help me with this.
Thank you, this did the job.
A Kevin, forgot to mention that. For the axis for which you don't want to see labels, set the CategoryDateTimeXAxis.LabelSettings property to a new AxisLabelSettings instance that has Visibility="Collapsed", this will hide the labels for that axis.
I think i've got it. I have 2 series now, with bot a different CategoryDateTimeXAxis, but now i see 2 x axis. I only want to see 1 x axis.
Do you have a solution for this problem?
Thank you
Thank you for the quick reply.I cant get it to work in my testproject. Do you have a small sample for me?
A data example:
One system has 5 time samples:
14:23, 14:32, 14:40, 14:45 and 14:51. Foreach of these timestamp there is a value.
Another system has 6 time samples:
14:21, 14:32, 14:37, 14:47 and 14:55.
I want the chart to create an x-axis from 14:20 to 15:00 with an interval of 10 minutes. The values of the timesamples need to be placed correctly in the chart.
when using the CategoryDateTimeXAxis, unless each series has exactly the same number of entries with the same dates in the same order, you should use a seperate CategoryDateTimeXAxis per series. You would then synchronize their ranges by using the MinimumValue and MaximumValue.
Since the CategoryDateTimeXAxis handles reordering of unordered data and auto-min/max, you can't share it between series unless their data alignment is identical.