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grid with ability to add new rows


i have the following grid definition: 

 <igDP:XamDataGrid Grid.Row="2" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" DataSource="{Binding Adjustments, Mode=TwoWay}" RecordContainerGenerationMode="Virtualize"  >
                        <igDP:FieldSettings AllowEdit="True" />
                        <igDP:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields="False" AllowAddNew="True" AddNewRecordLocation="OnBottomFixed" 
                                                  AllowDelete="True" SelectionTypeCell="Single" SelectionTypeField="None" SelectionTypeRecord="Single" />
                                <igDP:Field Name="Code" Label="Reason Code" Width="100" />
                                <igDP:Field Name="Account" Label="Financial Account" Width="200" />

I do see the + sign for adding new rows, but i don't see the column headers, and nothing seems to happen after pressing + (or the columns have 0 widht)

as soon as i change AugotGenerateFields to True, it works as expected. but i don't want to auto generate fields.