I am using XamDockManager which has multiple TabGroupPanes. My requirement is to have a "special" canned Tab that takes up complete space available in XamDockManager, Users would have the ability to drag drop panes into this canned tab. On Switching away from the canned Tab other tabs take over the complete View. I have not been able to accomplish this using various combinations of Split Panes, Content Panes, and Tab Group Panes. I was able to accomplish just the view using XamTabControl and having 2 tabs each having XamDockManager residing in them, however I could not drag drop panes across the XamTabControl Tabs.
Hello Raul,
I am following up if you need any further assistance. Also you can provide any details on the thread, I can submit a product idea on your behalf.
Hi Duane.
Could we have livemeeting to discuss this ? If not I'll try to come with a verbose description, once I free up.
We can schedule a live meeting session. In this thread has been linked to case CAS-96312-B68GD9 and can be found at the support activity page.
hi Duane,
I Managed to find a way around by using XamTileControl inside one of my XamContentPanes. Its not exactly what I was looking for but comes pretty close.