I have XamDataGrid having hierarical data in it, i have same column in parent (1st level) and in Child (2nd level), i want to provide the column chooser for whole XamDataGrid at one place(means if select columns, it must applies to all level) want provide single place for choosing the column.
Currently we are choosing the column through column chooser from level to level,
Suppose we have column A| B| C| D
A| B| C| D If i select column A and B from column chooser, it show only A and B for both parent and child
Looking forward to any solution ?
Thanks & Regards,
Kashif Mujeeb
I am just checking if you require any further assistance on the matter.
Developer Support Engineer
Hello Kashif,
Thank you for your post. I have been reading through it and by default, when there is a hierarchical data and multiple FieldLayouts are created (when the parent and the child data are from different type) the FieldChooser is displaying a ComboBox at the top in which you can choose fields of which FieldLayout to be manipulated. If you are using a self-related data (parent and child data are from the same type) the XamDataGrid is using single FieldLayout for both parent and child level. In this scenario, the FieldChooser does not display ComboBox and if you uncheck a filed, it disappears in both parent and child. If you wish to be able to hide/show the parent and child fields independently, I can suggest creating two FieldLayouts and using the AssignFieldLayoutToItem event of the XamDataGrid, you can set one of the FieldLayouts to the parent and the other to the child data. This way you will have a ComboBox in the FieldChooser and you will be able to choose whether to remove/add field form the parent or from the child layout.
Please let me know if this is what you are looking for or I have misunderstood you in any way.