Each time I create a LegendItemTemplate nothing seems to appear. Can someone post a sample template? Is Slice the correct object that is available? If so, what property contains the name of that slice? I tried Slice.Name but either it is empty or it is the incorrect property. If I remove the custom template then the legend displays all the Slice names as expected.
I’m not clear if you need to template the Legend or you question is about the slices.
These links may help us identify. The first is related to styling points but it makes it pretty clear which is what. The next link shows some xaml and code related to both elements of the pie chart.
And there are samples in the feature browser for the xamPieChart; look under Display for the PieChart Labels and Labels with Percentage.
Then let me know if you need to template the label on the slice or the legend and are you binding to a collection to provide the values and text.
If you already have a sample that you are working with it might help if you could zip that up and attach it to the thread.
I haven't heard back from you and I'm wondering if there is anything further I can help with regarding these questions.