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Filter Edit Control and Text Highlighting

I have a situation where I want my users to be able to filter a grid and as they are typing I need to get the contents of the first row of results and highlight it.  The following code does just that, but the problem is that after the user types in the first letter, when the filter edit control gets the focus again, the letter is highlighted and if they continue typing they will overwrite the contents of the control.  I would like to change this to when the filter edit control gets the focus the cursor will be to the right of the last letter typed.

private void dgPatients_RecordFilterChanged( object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.RecordFilterChangedEventArgs e )
		// Get the current filter edit cell where the user is typing in the filter
		Cell CurrentFilterEditCell = ( sender as XamDataGrid ).ActiveCell;

		// Get all records that pass the filter.
		IEnumerable<DataRecord> iedr = this.dgPatients.RecordManager.GetFilteredInDataRecords();
		if( iedr != null )
			// Cast list to DataRecord list and get the index of the first item.
			List<DataRecord> ldr = iedr.ToList<DataRecord>();
			if( ldr.Count > 0 )
				// Get the index of the first record
				int DisplayPosition = ldr[ 0 ].Index;

				// Set the active record
				this.SetActiveRecord( DisplayPosition );

				// Get related information
				Clinic clinic = new Clinic().Self( this.AppData.ActivePatient.ClinicID );
				Physician physician = new Physician().Self( this.AppData.ActivePatient.PhysicianID );

				// Send out patient selected event so other tiles update
				this.AppData.Events.OnPatientSelected( new PatientSelectedEventArgsthis.AppData.ActivePatient, clinic, physician, this.AppData.CurrentLoggedInPDUser, this.Name ) );

		// Put the focus back on the edit control
		this.dgPatients.ActiveCell = CurrentFilterEditCell;
		this.dgPatients.ActiveCell.DataPresenter.ExecuteCommand( DataPresenterCommands.StartEditMode ); // not highlight all, but appears at end?
	catchException ex )
		throw ex;

Thank you.
