how do I get the rows of a FieldLayout?
Best Regard
The filtering is working exactly the same for both action Disable and Hide
When you type the filter you mentioned and the action is set to Disable only one child record remains enabled. All the remaining records including its parent are disabled. This means that when action is set to Hide you won’t see any records.
Since the grid is binded directly to XAML doc when initially loaded until any child is expanded only one Field Layout is generated. To avoid this you need to disable auto generate fields and to define all 4 layouts. Refer to new attachment.
In the modified sample I updated the code so when user types moon the filter is evaluated for each record with field Name and only if the record is in the targeted layout.
If you have any question please let me know.
any idea?
best regards
Here is an example. If I type in moon the row with the world should be disapear. Perhabs there is another solution for this problem.
Best regards
Can you attach a sample application? Also when enabled the record filtering UI for hierarchical grid is enabled for each layout. So filters are set for each child record collection.
Thank you. Somehow the (record as DataRecord) is always null. I'm using Infragistics Version v11.1. Another Questiomn can I assign a RecordFilter per FieldLayout?