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OlapXAxis, Visibility cannot be set to Hidden/Collapsed at runtime


I am using version 12.1.20121.2002 of the WPF controls.

One of my views shows a XamDataChart with OlapXAxis bound to a XmlaDataSource. I would like to offer the possibility to allow hiding the OlapXAxis. If I set the Visibility property to Collapsed in XAML, the axis is not shown when the app is run, as expected. However, I have checkbox that should control the visibility. Setting the OlapXAxis visibility to Visible using the checkbox only works initially. The next attempt to set it back to Collapsed fails, nothing happens. Toggling the checkbox just does not have an influence anymore. In the debugger/watch windows I can see that the Visibility property is correctly set.

Best regards, Frank

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  • 640

    Hello Frank,

    Unfortunately this is the expected behavior for all DataChart axes. The Axis class inherits from Control but it is not using the Visibility property.



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