I have a XamDataChart that has both a Numeric X axis and a Category X axis. I am never using both at the same time. Looking at the picture above though you can see that the XamDataChart has been pushed up from the bottom. I have tried using both the 'Visibility' & 'IsEnabled' properties of the Category X & Numeric X axes to fix this with no luck. Is there a better way to resolve this other than creating the axes in codebehind? Just to clarify what I mean each chart object will have one of two cases: Case1 - Numeric X & Y, Case2 - Numeric Y & Category X.
<ig:CategoryXAxis x:Name="CategoryXAxis" Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="3" MinorStroke="#00000000" MinorStrokeThickness="1" ItemsSource="{Binding CategoryLabels}" Label="{}{XLabel}"/>
<ig:NumericXAxis x:Name="xAxis" Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="3" MinimumValue="{Binding Xmin}" MaximumValue="{Binding Xmax}" Interval="{Binding XMajorInterval}" MinorStroke="#00000000" MinorStrokeThickness="1"/>
You could set LabelSettings.Visibility to Visibility.Collapsed for the axis whose labels you don't need.