I need to have an excel worksheet with one column editable (say first column) and rest read only. My code is as below:
_worksheet.Protected =
_worksheet.Columns[0].CellFormat.Locked = ExcelDefaultableBoolean.False
However, it does not work. Instead if I add this piece of code, Infragistics removes the first column compeltely from my worksheet.
Could you please help.
It even works when I apply the cell format to an entire row.
In short, applying a cell format lock works for a cell or an entire row, but does not work for an entire column. It simply hides the column.
Looks like column has some issues in excel 2007.
One more thing I noticed, The code works for Excel 2007 as well, if I apply the cell format for a single cell instead of a column.
I am using Infragisctics version 11.1.
I am trying to save the excel in 2007 format. I found that the same code works perfectly fine when I try to save the excel in Excel97To2003 format.
However, I need to save the file in 2007 format only. Is there any such limitation in 2007 format?
I was not able to reproduce this issue. What version of the Excel library are you using? Also, in which file format are you saving your file?