why doesn't the DockManager support aero snap for floating windows? You can get used to that quite easily, and it's a bit disappointing to see this missing.
Best regards,
My mistake. Sorry Andrew!
Yes that is on the xamDockManager which is what this forum is about. If you have questions about UltraDockManager it would be best to use its related forum.
Hi Andrew, isn't that property only available on the WPF version (xamDockManager)?
I'm using the Windows Forms version (UltraDockManager).
The OS has to be performing the drag operation of the floating window in order for aero snap to work. So if you want this functionality then you need to set the FloatingWindowDragMode to UseSystemWindowDrag.
Are there any updates on aero snap support for floating/undocked windows?It's been a while since the last post in this topic.
Chrome and Visual studio allow you to drag a dock/panel/tab out of the window and then maximize the new window by dragging it to the top of the screen,or by using the Windows key and arrow keys.
I think the Dockmanager would really benefit from this functionality.
@Rob: you said you submitted this as a new product idea, but I couldn't find it on the website.
Best regards,Rob De Reycke