I have a xamdatagrid with following colums
Col1. (String type)
Col2 (double type)
Add col1 to groupby and col2 has sum aggregation.
When I do sorting on col1, it should sort on col1 data. But when I sort on col2, first it should sort on summary (sum values of col2) and then col2 actual values and it should not sort on group by column (col1) values.
1. Could some post sample code to achieve this.
2. How can I remove "(.. Item)" text from group by cell value
3. How to get group by text and summary value into one row and able to resize summary value cell when col2 is resized?
Thanks in advance.
Could some one upload a sample c# solution for sorting on summary data (double type) instead of group by data.
I stuck finding solution.
Thank you.
I did came across the link that link before. I am new to xamdatagrid and was not able to implement as mentioned in the post.
It would be great if you can upload sample c# solution.
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I suggest you see this forum thread:
a similar issue like yours is discussed.
Hope this helps you.