We would like to translate the text included into the SpellChecker Dialog related to the XamSpellChecker control.
We can’t find the assembly resource strings associated with the XamSpellChecker control in your help documentation. Can you give us those resource strings? Is it possible to translate the labels of the SpellChecker Dialog?
Thank you for your help.
It looks like Georgi was very through but I was wondering if you had any follow-up questions.
Please let me know if there is anything further.
The resource file with SpellChecker strings should be located in the following location (relative to your installation path:
[InstallPath]\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2011.2\WPF\CLR4.0\Bin\SharedXAML\InfragisticsWPF4.Controls.Interactions.XamSpellChecker.v11.2.resx
I attached a zipped version of this file for your convenience.
Hope this helps,