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Private X/YAxis in CategorySeries?


I recently went to upgrade the references in our projects from 2011.1 to 2011.2.  Everything went fine save one small issue:  The axis information is set programmatically, and in the function that does the axis setting I'm getting a notification that X and Y axis are set as private.  According to the documentation both fields are still public and this error results whether I manually upgrade or use the versioning utility.  

At this point in time it's preventing us from upgrading. Does anyone have insight as to exactly what might be going on here? Thank you.

This is the code that generates the issue:

        private static CategorySeries SetCommonLineProperties(

            CategorySeries categorySeries,
            ISeriesViewModel viewModel,
            CategoryXAxis xAxis,
            NumericYAxis yAxis ) {
            categorySeries.MarkerType = MarkerType.None;
            categorySeries.Thickness = viewModel.LineThickness > 0 ? viewModel.LineThickness : 1;
            categorySeries.ItemsSource = viewModel.Data;
            categorySeries.Title = viewModel.Name;
            categorySeries.YAxis = yAxis;
            categorySeries.XAxis = xAxis;

            if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( viewModel.LineBrush ) ) {
                categorySeries.Brush = GetBrush( viewModel.LineBrush, viewModel.LineBrushType );

            return categorySeries;

  • 4475



    I have been looking into your question and the X and Y axis are still a public properties in NetAdvantage11.2. I tried to reproduce your error message but everything worked as expected. I am attaching the sample that I have implemented in order to recreate the mentioned behavior, so you can compare with your project and check the differences.


    Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of future difficulties regarding that matter.




    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics, Inc.
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