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XamTabControl help...

We’re utilizing the xamDockManager and within that we’re utilizing the DocumentContentHost and finally the TabGroupPane to host ContentPane.  What we’ve found is when we add multiple ContentPanes to the TabGroupPane that 1) that ContentPanes disappear from the viewable area and 2) there is no visual indication to the user that additional screens are viewable.  If I compare this to the Windows Forms TabControl 2 arrow buttons appear when additional tabs are available that are not within the viewable area.

Take a look at the attachment to see what Im referring to..

As you can see in the red box that there is no visual indication to the user there are additional windows. 

I have looked at the Feature Browser and noticed that no matter now many tabs we put on a window that something does not appear for users to indicate additional tabs / content panes exist.  Also, I dont want to add a tab carousel as that does not appear looking for how to add something to this.


  • 138253
    Offline posted



    Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I checked the Feature Browser under XamTabControl / Interacting with the XamTabControl / Add/ Remove Tabs section and when I added a couple of tabs to spin buttons appear, so I was able to scroll left and right. I suggest you see this sample and if it doesn’t help you could please send me an isolated sample project where your issue is reproduced, so I can investigate it further for you.


    Looking forward for your reply.