I'm simply looking to generate a multipage report but I'm doing something wrong. Using the code below I get an 'Specified element is already the logical child of another element. Disconnect it first.' error on the ' pp.xamReportPreview1.GeneratePreview(Report, False, True)' line. If I comment out either of the bolded lines then it works fine. I haven't had any luck searching around the forum or looking through the user manuals on how to create a multipage report.
Public Shared Sub PrintPreview() Dim Report As New Report Dim Section1 As New EmbeddedVisualReportSection(New TextBlock) Dim Section2 As New EmbeddedVisualReportSection(New TextBlock) Report.Sections.Add(Section1) Report.Sections.Add(Section2)
Report.PageFooter = New TextBlock() With {.Text = My.Application.Info.Description & My.Application.Info.Version.ToString & " - CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION - " & DateTime.Now.ToString, .VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, .FontSize = 8} Report.ReportSettings.PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Landscape Report.ReportSettings.HorizontalPaginationMode = HorizontalPaginationMode.Scale Report.PageHeader = New TextBlock() With {.Text = My.Settings.TeamName, .VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom, .TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, .FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, .FontSize = 14}
Dim pp As New PrintPreview pp.xamReportPreview1.GeneratePreview(Report, False, True) pp.ShowDialog() End Sub
I am just checking the progress of this issue and was wondering if you managed to achieve your goal or if you need any further assistance on the matter.