Hi guys. I wanna add some triggers to every single column in my xamDataChart. Any ideas?
PS. I've 2 ColumnSeries on my chart(10 columns), and i wanna change the fill color of column by the trigger. I saw the solution: http://blogs.infragistics.com/forums/p/51914/323997.aspx , but it only works for all columns in ColumnSeries
I am just checking your progress on the issue.
If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to ask.
Developer Support Engineer
Hi Artem,
Thank you for your feedback.
You can find a custom approach of changing the columns colors by setting a style in the xaml in here:
Please in case of any other difficulties do not hesitate to contact us.
Infragistics Inc.
Cool! Thanks, but is there any other solution through the xaml?
Hello Artem,
I am just checking if my last reply was helpful for you.
I have been investigating into you issue and I have created a sample project according to your requirements. My sample colors every column with value property greater than a hardcoded value of 5. That condition can be easily replaced with your validation method. I am therefor setting a red brush which can be replace with any custom logic that you would like to apply.
Please let me know if my sample meets your requirements or I have misunderstand you at some point.