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Two way binding to a XamComboEditor

I have a number of combo boxes in a window that I need to setup two-way binding on, however I can't seem to figure out how to do it.  I have successfully set up basic binding to fill the control where I have the ItemsSource="{Binding}" and I set my DataContext in my C# code behind.  I also have two-way binding working on all of the other controls in the window

Let's say I have an object and I am returning an ObservableCollection of it and I want to display Name which is a string.  I want the value member to be an ID which is an integer.  Is there a code snipped you can please provide that shows how to do two way binding on the ID?  I can't seem to find a ValueMember property anywhere, and basically XamComboBox binding is a mystery for me.

Thank you for a very simple and basic xaml code snippet.