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How to bind dynamic text to unboundfield label?

Can you please help me with the below scenario?

Right now the unboundfield label values are hard-coded but I want to
bind the label text with the combo box selected value(year).

Current hard coded Values:
Label="2010 Annual Account Spend"
Label="2011 Annual Account Spend"  Label="2012 Annual Account Spend"   
Expected Value:
I want to take the year selected in combo box and append it to
"Annual Account Spend" text and display it in the column header.
<igDP:UnboundField Name="PrevYearCustomerSpend"
="2010 Annual Account Spend"
="Collapsed">   <igDP:UnboundField.Settings>    <igDP:FieldSettings EditAsType="{x:Type sys:Decimal}" AllowEdit="False" EditorStyle="{StaticResource CurrencyEditorStyle}">      <igDP:FieldSettings.LabelPresenterStyle >        <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:LabelPresenter}">         <Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="Annual account spend for a single mode/service. This is more than just the total spend with CHRW." />        </Style>   </igDP:FieldSettings.LabelPresenterStyle> </igDP:FieldSettings>  </igDP:UnboundField.Settings> </igDP:UnboundField>

Thank you!