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Custom ValueEditor always converts value to string

I'm trying to create custom ValueEditor and it seems like the Value property of editor always contains my value as a string. This ValueEditor is supposed to accept some enum and basing on its value change cell's color (simply display a rectangle with appropriate background).

I'm setting ValueType of my editor in several ways, e.g.:

in static constructor:



typeof(StatusEditor), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(ExecutionResultStatus)));

in editor style:





<Setter Property="ValueType" Value="{x:Type DataModel:ExecutionResultStatus

}" />

but it seems that my editor always transforms my enumeration into a string.

I'm using my editor in UnboundField with Binding property set. Any ideas? Maybe you have a complete example of custom ValueEditor? (except one which I've already found called HostAnyControl, I want to have completely custom editor for my purpose, not some general editor which can host any WPF control).