Settings themes(IGTheme / Office2010Blue) to PivotGrid throws exceptions and does not render PivotGrid properly. I would like to report this as a bug as it is causing me so many problems.
(1)Using Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(pivotGridIgThemeDictionary) throws an exception when it is set after PivotGrid.DataSource is set. I get around this by adding and removing the theme dictionary before setting the PivotGrid datasource for the first time.
(2)Using this.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(pivotGridIgThemeDictionary) where this is a UserControl in which PivotGrid resides causes weird refresh problems in pivotgrid where the data is not properly displayed.
If there is a workaround please let me know. This bug can be replicated very easily, it occurs all the time.
I would like to report this as a bug and would like to have it fixed in one of the future releases please.
The problems went away when I removed Dispatcher.Invoke I had around the code thatdynamically loaded different themes.
Hello Sangeetha,
I am glad to hear you manage to resolve your issue. If you still have any concerns about it, please do not hesitate to ask.