I set the Theme for the DataGrid to IGTheme. The colors don't seem to render properly (see below)
Hello Sangeetha,
I have been looking into your enquiry, however I am not getting the same result as you:
Please let me know how have you achieved this.
Hi Petar,
IGTheme looks fine when I set it to the PivotGrid in the XAML as follows:
<igDP:XamDataGrid Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" x:Name="indexListingGrid" Theme="IGTheme" SelectedItemsChanged="IndexListingGrid_SelectedItemsChanged" CellChanged="OnGridCellChanged" IsGroupByAreaExpanded="True" >
But it is not rendered properly when I load the theme xaml files myself. I did it as follows:
(1) I added the following xamls to my directory IGTheme/DataPresenter
(2) I created a resource dictionary with key for reference as follows:
<ResourceDictionary x:Key="igThemeDP" x:Name="igThemeDP" Source="/MarketManipulatorControl;component/Styles/IgTheme/DataPresenter/DataPresenterIGTheme.xaml"/>
(3) I add it to merged dictionaries at runtime as follows:
Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries(allResourceDictionaries.Add(Resources["igThemeDP"] as ResourceDictionary););
I updated to ServiceRelease V11.1.2094
I have been looking into your description, however the suggested approach is to use the built-in property for the themes. If you insist on doing this by adding dictionaries I can suggest you try and add the corresponding theme xaml files from the …\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2011.1\WPF\DefaultStyles\Editors and …\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2011.1\WPF\DefaultStyles\Windows folders since there are XamEditors used in the XamDataGrid to display data and there are base-class-elements in the Windows folder that might also be used in the XamDataGrid.
Hope this helps.
I used the Built-in themes directly as follows and it worked:
indexListingGrid.Theme = "Office2k7Black";
Hi Sangeetha,
Realy glad to se you have done this. I can also suggest you refer to this blog post, I think you will find useful.