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XamNumericEditor: Mask, Regionnal settings and mask Error Window

Hi, I am using a XamNuericEditor to set double numeric values

I would like to use a mask in edting mode in my XamNumericEditor with the following constraint:

1- Use the regional settings for the decimal separator:
2- Ignore the thousand separator and always use the same " " or ""
3- Let the user entering its decimal separator itself without constraining him to enter all the numeric value
of the entire part before being able to enter the decimal part so he can enter 23.56, like allowed by the following syntax:

I tried both syntaxes:

s1-Mask="### ### ###.##" (but here the user have to enter 9 numeric values before decimal separator what is very constraining...)

s2-Mask = "{double:20.2:c}" (but here the thousand separator of the regionnal setting is used...)

The problem is I don't know what syntax to use to be able to combine all my constraints 1,2 and 3.

I also try to plug a Value converter on the ValueToDisplayTextConverter or ValueToTextConverter, but in functions only when validating the value (on lost focus or enter), but not in editing mode...

I have another point: Is there anyway to unplugg the window message error apparition when the mask is not respected ?

Thanks if anybody can help me...

  • 5600
    Offline posted


    Did you try with this Mask="{}{LOC}nnnnnnn.nn"? It should meet your requirements.

