Hello,I'm testing the controls xamPivotGrid and xamPivotDataSelector with your example solution PivotGridHostControl(http://blogs.infragistics.com/blogs/kiril_matev/archive/2010/06/11/hosting-a-wpf-pivotgrid-delivering-advanced-data-analysis-in-your-windows-forms-application.aspx).
I Have a question:
I delete "Freight" from the "Drop Data Items Here" on the xamPivotGrid. Now I want drag the field "Freight"from xamPivotDataSelector to "Drop Data Items Here" on the xamPivotGrid (the same place, where previously the field "Freight" had existed) . But I can't drop there the field. I see a circle with a x. Why it doesn't work?
Which version of control do you use. 10.3 or 11.1. Also can you drop another measure before to delete "Freight" filed?