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Parameter for ValueToTextConverter

With regular ValueConverters I can pass a parameter like this:

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Birthday,Converter={StaticResource dateconverter},ConverterParameter='dd-MMM-yyyy'}" ></TextBlock>

The XamDateTimeEditor has properties like ValueToTextConverter and ValueToDisplayTextConverter.

How would I go about passing parameters to these converters?

  • 17559
    Verified Answer

    Hello tbremeyer,


    I reviewed your issue and I believe that when you use the ValueToTextConverter or the ValueToDisplayTextConverter you don’t need explicitly to provide a converter parameter. When you set the resource for the converter like this:


                    <local:dateconverter />


    where "dateconverter" is custom IValueConverter, by default as value of the Convert method is provided the value of the XamDateTimeEditor and as parameter is assigned the whole XamDateTimeEditor. So I believe that in your case you can set


    <igEditors:XamDateTimeEditor Value=”{Binding Birthday}” Format=”dd-MMM-yyy”>


     and in your custom converter you can get this value:


    XamDateTimeEditor editor = parameter as XamDateTimeEditor;

     MyParameter= editor.Format;


    For further reference you can check the following link form our documentation:


    If you need any further assistance on the matter, please feel free to ask.

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