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mm/yyyy Format does not seem to work with a Date Property for XamDateTimeEditor

 For instance if the value from my database is 04/01/1997 then my xamEditor shows 04/0001

 If I change the mask to yyyy/mm then it shows 0004/01

However, if I change my Property (shown below) to a type of string and convert the text manually by building a string from the date it works correctly. Can someone explain why this isn't working?




Here is what my XAML looks like 

<igEditors:XamDateTimeEditor Mask="mm/yyyy" Text="{Binding Path=member.init_dt, UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}" >

Here is what my Code Behind looks like

Public Property init_dt As Nullable(Of Date)


If currentRecord Is Nothing Then

Return Nothing


If IsDBNull(currentRecord("init_dt")) = False Then

Dim odte As Date = currentRecord("init_dt")

Return odte


Return Nothing

End If

End If

End Get

Set(ByVal x As Nullable(Of Date))

Dim dte As Object

If x IsNot Nothing Then

dte = x


dte = DBNull.Value

End If

If Not currentRecord Is Nothing Then

currentRecord("init_dt") = dte

End If

End Set

End Property

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