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How to maximize content panes programmatically

Since v11.1 XamDockManager has "AllowMaximizeFloatingWindows".

This is much appreciated but the doubleclick behavior is not exactly what I am looking for.

I would like to intercept the doubleclick on the contentpane's titlebar and toggle the fullscreen property instead of the docking property (like in VS2010). So my questions are:

- How to detect the docking state of a contentpane e.g. docked, floating?

- How to detect the window state of a contentpane e.g. minimized, normal, maximized?

- How to change the docking and window state?


Parents Reply
  • 54937
    Offline posted in reply to Markus

    LCIGmbH said:

    Thanks, that works although I would prefer a more direct approach without writing my own classes which inherits from yours

    You should submit a feature request.

    LCIGmbH said:

    Anyway, the next problem is that once the window is maximized (even when using the maximize button, so this has nothing to do with my modification) when you select the title bar of the maximized window (single click, not drag or doublelick) the windowstate immediately changes back to "normal". First, this is not a normal behavior, I would expect it to be just selected. A doubleclick is normally always necessary to change the window state. Second: how to intercept this and change the behavior? (Should I open a question for that?)

    Actually a double click is not necessarily necessary as the floating windows participate in docking so you need to be able to drag the window without first pulling it out of the maximized state. This is the same as what happens in VS 2010. That being said there was an issue with the initial 11.1 release where the drag was initiated immediately on the mouse down of the caption instead of waiting for the mouse to move beyond the drag threshold but that was addressed in the hotfix/service release currently available so you may want to download the latest hotfix/sr.
