I am new to WPF and I want to add a button just above the advanced button. Could you please provide a sample. I read that you need to override and re-template the controls, but have no idea as to how to get around it.
I am just following up on this forum thread.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Sincerely, Matt Developer Support Engineer
Hello nthaha,
There appears to be some issue with ElementHost not displaying its content. If you set a BackColor on the ElementHost, you will see that UltraToolbarsManager is actually displaying the ElementHost, but ElementHost is not displaying the Child content. However, there is an alternate solution. Docking the ElementHost within a Panel and assigning the Panel to the PopupControContainerTool helps to assure the ElementHost will get the notifications/information.
Please note that using the UltraToolbarsManager in an Interop situation is not supported due to limitations in the environment.
Thanks for the help... do you have an update
I have logged this issue with our development team for further investigation. The development issue ID is 84323. I will post the resolution of this development issue when I have an update on this one.
I have sent you more details through the support case CAS-70227-XV0S1J. Please let me know if you have any quesitons on this matter.
Any Updates?